
Bachelor of Technology 2014 - The Purpose of Research

Welcome to the Reon David's: Precious Metal Weaving Page.

The purpose of this online research forum is to launch a South African brand by incorporating Zulu basket weaving techniques into jewellery, thereby creating a product that not only speaks to Zulu identity, but that could in future be identifiable to all South Africans. I also wish to generate a platform in the jewellery contexts for the African Renaissance often spoken of but not yet seen as it relates to the fields of design in jewellery. In conjunction with the branding of a jewellery range, I have researched identity of the Zulu people. According to Statistics South Africa the highest urban population is currently living in Gauteng Province, notwithstanding the corridor of Pietermaritzburg and Durban.

Wedding basket by Mary Sibaya

The search for identity had also brought home my own search as a person classified 'coloured' (meaning of mixed descent) in South Africa. It is interesting to note that my maternal family is aware of our German, English and Indian heritage but omits to comment on our black heritage. This is by no means an exception though, it is a norm in the mixed race community in my opinion. 
Great, great grandmother-maternal

German great grandmother-maternal
(Mother in law to my grandmother)
'Coloured' grandmother-maternal (from St Helena Island)

Great Uncle on his wedding day marrying
my Great Aunt. My mother is named after her as she was born 
3 months after this picture was taken.

My father is of Indian descent but because my grandfather lost his parents young I have no connection or images of the family. He also died while my father was a young child.

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