Bachman's action research spiral (Mertler 2014:17)

The methodology employed in this study will be qualitative. The main ways of collecting qualitative data is through individual interviews, focus groups, and observation or action research. This work will focus on action research which Geoffrey E. Mills (2011) book, A guide for the teacher researcher, defines as a methodical examination conducted for the function of gathering information. Jean McNiff (2002) states that, “The research process is the developmental process of following through the idea, seeing how it goes, and continually checking whether it is in line with what you wish to happen. Seen in this way, action research is a form of self evaluation”. The process will be helpful not only for the research of  the theoretical study but also in the practical process of manufacture of jewellery, which can be best shown in Bachman’s (Mertler 2014:17) action research spiral figure above.

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