CAD experimentation and learning

All the images of Rhino under this heading from experimentation and learning during CAD classes which I attended to improve my Rhino skills.

CAD weaving and design

The CAD process for this style of weaving is very complex and difficult and often the computer system crashes when attempts are made to render the pieces. Therefore a different approach had to be taken when rendering these pieces. Instead of creating the weaving style as is a variation had to be found. One of the ways I overcame the challenge was to weave a section of metal, taking an image of it and importing it into the Rhino program. The image can then be manipulated in the CAD program to create the desired textured outcome.

The process of creating this bangle is when  I started to explore using images and covering a skeleton so to speak to create the image you see, so it could have an authentic woven appearance.

This is a rhino rendering of the above bangle. As one can note the weaving has a very authentic appearance and creating the piece did not take as much time as when I would attempt to weave it on Rhino.

My first attempt at creating the little objet d'art, creating the beads an initial problem.

I had to restart and create the base of the object.

The process of recreating the base was much faster the second time round.

Exploration of different styles of possible weaving.

This is a linking system that seemed to have the appearance of weaving.

However once I started building it together it became clear it looked more like chain mail than weaving.

Rhino pendant exploration

This was an attempt to see the potential of creating a piece on Rhino that can be carved by the Roland machine and go straight into casting with spues attached.

Here is the wax piece after being carved by the Roland Machine.

UJ Alumni ring, possible third stream income for department

The starting point for the ring was very bulky.

A bit more refined and classic but still not exactly what I wanted.

The design was a bit more refined and text altered.

The final design before it was carved by the Roland Machine.

The prototype after casting in the process of being cleaned.

[1] CAD abbreviation for Computer Aided Design

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