Name: Reon Davids

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Qualification: BA Honours in Design

Current Studies: MTech in Design

Firstly I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

I have always had a great love for jewellery, art and art history.During my flea market trawling I came across the Zulu basket weavers and then also attended a short course that offered African basket weaving. I was intrigued by the techniques they used and had wondered how the techniques would translate into jewellery.

Back ground

I grew up in Cape Town on the Cape Flats in an area called Heideveld. My mother Constance is a house wife and my father Joseph a voluntary worker at the local day clinic (he was a heavy smoker and alcoholic). Sadly my father passed away on the 21 of May 2013. I have two brothers. We grew up poor but my mother (who was mother and father) instilled in us values that have kept me thus far. I am unsure if it is of any notable interest but I am the only one of my three brothers who finished matric and a higher qualification.

At an early age I realised my parents could not afford to give me everything I wanted. I started selling baby clothes and many other things that I thought could make me money. I remember my father giving me some starting capital for one of my many ventures.I think it was for making and selling doughnuts at high school.

I started my working career at the age of 15 working as a shelf packer in a local store. I went on to be a waiter in Camps Bay and by the age of 18 landed a job running the Cape Town branch of a modelling agency. Thereafter was a junior creditor’s clerk for almost 5 years, all the while having a passion for jewellery.

On the advice of my partner at the time and now friend  Prof. Alan Cliff of the University of Cape Town, I finally took the leap and registered at Cape Peninsula University of Technology for the Jewellery Design and Manufacture course in 2003. (Interesting to note, I resigned from work and registered for the course on the same day) While a student I worked for a jewellery store at the waterfront and an edgy Johannesburg designer jewellery house.

When I completed my diploma I had three labels, RD03, Angel Pup and AODN Designs. I went on to run my own small business and do administration work at the CPUT Jewellery Department, assisting the Senior Workshop Technicain and  teaching the jewellery component of the Extended Curriculum Program also know as Foundation Course from 2008 to 2013. Completed my Bachelors of Technology with distinction ( On the Dean's honor list) in 2014 and my Bachelor of Arts Honours in Design in 2015 at the University of Johannesburg. While working as a part time lecturer teaching Design Management 1st to 3rd year and later standing in as lecturer for as 3rd years coordinator, teaching technique, drawing and design. Assisting Btech students. My duties also included workshop technician work as the UJ Jewellery Department never had a workshop technician. 

Currently embarking on my Mtech in Design at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

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