I started the manufacture process by exploring the technique of enameling on copper plate as in Figure 1, 2 and 3. It is a technique I wish to employ in the manufacture of my jewellery.

My process of manufacture for the second half of the year has moved away from the traditional metals and use of enamel for colour which is evident in figure 18 onward. Instead I am using satin ribbon. Understanding that there is a scaffold process and building on my strength with weaving. The satin denotes softness and femininity but once woven in it becomes rigid and hard. This for me speaks to the struggle of the LGBT community over the last 70 years and how we have come through victorious. The weaving also reflects on the inter connectivity of all things. Although an incident might occur on the other side of the planet it could have possible effects on you.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

For the manufacture of pieces for this part of the course I largely relied on wax carving and the lost wax casting techniques. The processes though time consuming can yield amazing results.

Figure 4
Here I employed a dipping technique that was not too effective.

Figure 5
For this process I layered sheet was over the egg 
and it created a good shape 

Figure 6
Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9
The result after casting in fine silver before enameling started.
Figure 10
Figure 12
Inside and outside enameled

Figure 11
Figure 13
Casting tree of smaller eggs for pendants
Figure 14
Egg pendant assembly
Figure 15
Egg Pendant enameled before stoning to remove excess enamel
Figure 16
Neck piece assembled
Figure 17
Surprise for inside of big egg.

Figure 18
Start of waterfall inspired neck piece in satin

Figure 19
Weaving of neckline of neck piece

Figure 20
 Neck piece complete with silver caps and triangles
( oxidized and gold plated)

The process of creating figure 20 was the image of a gay man being thrown of a roof in the Middle East. The colours of necklace is yellow representing the sun. The last warm embrace these men get to feel and brown for earth. The triangles in gold and black representing the countless LGBT people who have died for being who they are. This piece beckons to be touched and when you do so the metal pieces make a sound. This sound represents water, as a waterfall.

The caps and triangles were cast to save on manufacturing time figure 21.
Figure 21
Wax models on wax trees for lost wax casting

Figure 22
Satin used in weaving
Figure 23
Satin woven with triangle motif.
Experimenting with distortion.
Figure 24
 Fine silver woven objet d'art studded with
irradiated labradorite

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