
Btech 2014 Action Research

Approaching the topic and process of manufacture using an action based research methodology which Geoffrey E. Mills (2011) book, A guide for the teacher researcher, defines as a methodical examination conducted for the function of gathering information. Utilising Bachman’s action research spiral figure 1 as frame of reference the exploration will delve into self as a component of the process. By means of action research one can anticipate to not only investigate identity as it relates to the first peoples creating and using the technique of weaving but also the identity of self, as an individual identified as “coloured” in South Africa. “Action research is an inquiry conducted by the self into the self”. (Mcniff. 2002:7) Mcniff’s theorem that the research methodology relates to a deeper inquiry into self asks the practitioner to acknowledge that one cannot be an outside observer or separated from the practice at hand, signifying that one’s identity is closely linked to one's production.

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