
Btech 2014 Artist Statement and Abstract


Reon Davids, exploration into the applications of Zulu basket weaving in this body of work, to create a range of jewellery with more Afrocentric appeal. The use of two specific basket weaving techniques, coiling/wrapping and knotting was employed with varied results that created a dialog between past history and present perceptions of identity. In the examination of identity and while manufacturing jewellery having applied an Action based research approach which allowed for a deeper understanding of self for the artist. As someone classified as coloured in the old and new South Africa because of a varied and mixed heritage. Thereby creating an identifiable South African jewellery brand.


This study investigates the role of identity and its relation to the Zulu nation in a post-apartheid South African setting. It examines relevant parts of the history of the Zulu people and how the group came to be recognized as a united nation. The study concentrates on Zulu basket weaving which has developed from purely functional and ceremonial objects to internationally sought after art works. By employing specific weaving techniques and incorporating it into a distinguished South African jewellery brand, the project aims to create pieces that are appealing to a broad South African market. While still speaking to Zulu identity.

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