
Btech 2014 Inspiration

My inspiration comes from nature in other words plants, flowers, insect world and the animal kingdom. Water for example is an inspiration as it can exist in three different states. It can be solid, liquid or gas. In its liquid form it can flow gently, yet erode rock over time and when it is fierce it can destroy everything in its path. Without water nothing on planet earth can survive. The Hungarian biochemist and 1937 Nobel Prize winner for medicine Albert Szent-Györgyi says, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water”.

There are two people who have inspired and fostered a love of weaving, though I have never met either. Figure 1, Ruben Ndwandwe 1941-2007 was a master basket weaver whose work is known worldwide; with his death in June 2007 the baskets created by him rose in price dramatically. He was known for having created a new way of weaving that no one could duplicate. Figure 3, Mary Lee Hu who is a metal smith from the United States of America and currently a professor at the University of Washington, Seattle. Hu is a weaver and uses refined textile weaving techniques to create her work her 2005 collection is truly inspirational see figure 3. She works with natural forms with consideration to movement and balance.

Figure 1
Rubin Ndwandwe (1914-2007) holding one of his hand woven baskets

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