
Btech 2014 Evaluation and Conclusion

The assessment of manufacture, design and drawing as it pertains to action research has been insightful and pushes the boundaries of self and self exploration as it relates to the study of the subject. Creating an atmosphere of constant reflection allows one to not only explores the options and solutions on the surface of thought but a deeper understanding arises that allows for more solutions to present itself. It is possible to take this form of reflection and not only apply it to the business of manufacture and work but to one’s personal life. McNiff theorem (see 1.4) rings true. One cannot exercise the action research methodology without understanding the effect it could possibly have on self.

The subject of identity and self is so intertwined and can also find benefit with the use of action research. Through this study one gets to the understanding that identity cannot be fixed and identifying with a certain group of people does not automatically make one part of the collective. Zulu people though responding to being Zulu still have their separate ethnicities and identities. The Zulu nation makes up 22% of the total population (Zulu 2006). This is a substantial number and one would be remiss not to tap into the income generating potential of such a large group by creating a brand that speaks to their identity.

Weaving is an amazing art and can so easily be assimilated into jewellery or stand alone as pieces of jewellery. The issues around time and time management is the greatest obstacle one faces when there is more to do than just weave. Though these are not issues one could resolve here. When one weaves it becomes almost calming due to the monotonous nature of the work, yet exciting as the outcome becomes clear. Weaving is all encompassing activity that one must commit to in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

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